Resurrecting extinct species _ where do we stand?

Beth Shapiro is chief scientific officer at Colossal Biosciences

Plans to genetically bring mammoths and other vanished animals back to life have scientific stakes far beyond the imagery of Jurassic Park

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Targeting Huntington at CattaneoLab

huntingtonCRISPR is radically changing the way researchers work, by allowing better, faster, and cheaper experiments. This blog will tell, among other things, how leading labs are using the most popular technique for genome editing. Let the dance begin with the Laboratory of Stem Cell Biology and Pharmacology of Neurodegenerative Diseases of the University of Milan (CattaneoLab). The group directed by Elena Cattaneo is busy unveiling the molecular basis of neurodegeneration in Huntington’s disease with the help of CRISPR, as pharmacologist Chiara Zuccato explains.

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