Shock and sadness after destruction of Italy’s first CRISPR field

Having attended the festive launch of the first field trial of a CRISPR plant developed in Italy on May 13, we share the dismay of the scientists behind the project – Vittoria Brambilla and Fabio Fornara of the State University of Milan – over the destruction tonight by unknown ecoterrorists of the harmless seedlings, which represented hope for sustainable agriculture and innovative research in our country. The official press release follows. Here are a few links for further reading.

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A very special day for NGTs in Italy

The fence bounds twenty-eight square meters of bare land in the middle of the Lombard countryside. Inside it a dozen researchers from the University of Milan are busy. The laptop resting on the ground shows the layout of the plots. A meter is unrolled to mark the coordinates on the ground.  Yellow tags are ready to be stuck into the clods: the inscription TEA (the Italian equivalent of New Genomic Techniques is “Assisted Evolution Techniques”) is used to mark rice that has been genetically edited for resistance to a fungal disease (rice blast), while the abbreviation WT indicates wild-type plants, which have not been modified and serve as a control group.

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Italian CRISPR rice on its way to the field!

Early in the morning on Monday, May 13, Vittoria Brambilla will open her technological treasure chest at the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at the University of Milan. In jargon it is called a phytotron and is an air-conditioned room. Here are kept 400 precious plantlets, ready to be transferred to Italy’s first experimental field of the CRISPR era, with the blessing of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security. Fertile soil awaits them in which to sink their delicate roots, and then sun, wind, rain and perhaps drought and pests. All that changeable stuff happens when you grow outdoors instead of inside a laboratory.” To learn all about this field debut (the first after a 20-year wait in Italy), the trial that is about to begin and who made it possible, there is my new piece for Le Scienze, with comments from Vittoria Brambilla, Roberto Defez, Elena Cattaneo, Roberto Schmid and Federico Radice Fossati, the ag entrepreneur who offered his land for the trial. For more technical details on this fungus-resistant rice there is the article I had published in Nature Italy. In the gallery above, meanwhile, you will find: the researchers of the laboratories directed by Vittoria Brambilla and Fabio Fornara, the sign posted outside the experimental field, the climate-controlled chamber holding the edited seedlings until next week, one of the trays in which they will be transported, the cage delimiting the experimental field, yet to be completed with the upper part (28 square meters in Mezzana Bigli, in the province of Pavia, northern Italy).